Anti-Semitic Songs. Report by the CV (Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith). Source : The Central Archive for the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem. Microfilm of CV Archives, Centre for the Preservation of Historical Documentary Collection (OSOBI), Moscow. Fond. 721, File 47. Document 1 The CV (Central Association) of German Citizens of Jewish Faith 26 April 1934 To the Regional branches: Central Germany Rheinland - Westfalia Northern Germany Hessen Eastern Westfalia. Friends from small and middle sized towns have recently complained that songs with coarse anti-Jewish texts are being sung brazenly and provocatively. We intend to officially approach the Reich Ministry and report all these incidents and to address a letter of the board to the SA Chief and Reich Minister Roehm and to the Prussian Secret State Police. A representative of the CV will also raise this matter with the Propaganda Ministry. We therefore ask you to report as soon as possible: In what localities such songs are being sung, What songs are being sung, Who is doing the singing. (signed) Rubenstein. Document 2 CV - Local Branch Kassel 14 March 1935 To the CV Berlin W 15. We have reliable information that Mr. Homburg, a teacher in Doernberg near Kassel, had the children learn the following poem by heart: Jews are sinners, They slaughter Christian Children, They cut their throats, The damned Jewish filth. Mr. Homburg threatened the children with punishment if they would not learn the poem by heart by the following day. Would you like to undertake something against this? We request you to state your position. Sincerely, Document 3 CV - Regional Association of Hessen-Nassau and Hessen—Local Branch Frankfurt/Main 20 November 1934 To the CV Berlin Advocate Dr. Gustav Reis, Darmstadt. We have reports from Gross-Gerau that: In the past few weeks, songs are being sung here and in the surrounding area with the following content: Put the Jews up against the wall, etc. and throw the Jewish gang out of our German fatherland, send them to Palestine, once there - cut their throats so that they will never come back. The songs are being sung not only by SA and Hitler Youth, but also by school children in the streets. In Gross-Gerau, one should mention, it is not sung by the entire SA, but only by one formation - the Heinr. Kremm. (We believe that he is the author of the song). Christian citizens who have spoken to me have expressed their misgivings and their shock at this. We kindly request that you contact the appropriate authority so that such songs be banned. Sincerely, Document 4 Songs with anti-Jewish content are still being sung in many places in the Reich. The most common texts are: when Jewish blood splashes from the knife Hang the Jews, put them up against the wall Heads are rolling, Jews are hollering The results of a survey conducted in the end of April 1934: Reinland and Westfalia Place, Song Sung by, How often and when was it last sung, Remarks Beckum, i. W. 1. and 2, SA, Frequently Beverungen, 1. with ritsch-ratsch' and 2. And Have the Jewish gang scream', SA, SS and the Sports school, Several times a day, While they march past Jewish homes Billerbeck, i.W. 2, SA Bergherst, 2, SA leaders, school Brilen, 1. 2. 3., SA and FAD, Almost daily Buende, i.W. 1. and 2, Hitler Youth, Often Burgsteinfurt, 2, SA and SS, Frequently Darmstadt, 1. and 3, Hitler Youth and Young Hitler Youth, 1 May Duesseldorf, 2, Hitler Youth, 2 May, While marching past the synagogue Elberfeld, 2 SA, SS and Hitler Youth, All the time, 1 May Erwitte, 2, FAD and Hitler Youth, Daily …